Funny Quote Science Has Made It So People Live Longer but You Dont Get to Pick Which People
55 Refreshingly Funny Quotes About Life to Get You Through the Day
Life, it's a funny thing, isn't it? It's full of surprises, and things don't always turn out the way you plan. It's said that laughter is the best medicine, so take it all with a grain of salt and a sense of humor. These funny quotes about life provide inspiration and entertainment, along with ways to express your experiences.
bowl of ice cream enjoy it before it melts funny quote
Short Funny Quotes About Life
Looking for a funny quote or saying to reflect the humor that underlies many facets of life? From life's many lessons, struggles and joys to the always interesting realities of life, you might find the perfect words in these funny life quotes, including some on the topic of family. The list below begins with original quotes followed by some from public figures.
- Life is like homemade ice cream: sweet and seasonal. Enjoy it before it melts.
- Pets: the family members you get to choose.
- There's no need to turn on the heat at the family reunion; the room will be full of hot air.
- Whatever you do in life, do it with enthusiasm.
- That's a life lesson I could have done without.
- There is no dress rehearsal for life.
- If you're around someone who sucks all the air out of the room, go to another room.
- With wisdom comes exhaustion.
- If your carriage turns into a pumpkin, call an Uber.
- It's amazing how many people have developed shockingly blue eyes since Facebook filters were invented.
- There's nothing like a little alone time to make you appreciate your own company.
- Your life is your story; you can write out any characters who aren't enhancing the plot.
- "Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth." - Anonymous
- "Life is like a box of chocolates." - Forrest Gump in Forrest Gump by Winston Groom
- "Family — the ties that bind ... and gag!" - Erma Bombeck
- "Life is like a cobweb, not an organization chart." – Ross Perot
- "The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life." - George Carlin
- "There are good days and there are bad days, and this is one of them." - Lawrence Welk
- "All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed." - Sean O'Casey
- "Age is a very high price to pay for maturity." - Tom Stoppard
Sarcastic Quotes About Life
You can't have a collection of funny life quotes without including some sarcastic sayings. Enjoy a few original quotes followed by quotes attributed to other sources, then explore these funny oxymoron quotes.
- Don't act like I'm a character in your reality show.
- No one looks like their profile picture.
- This will go much faster if you just accept that I am right.
- If you don't want me to tell you what I really think, you'd best refrain from asking for my opinion.
- No need to repeat. If I cared, I would have listened the first time.
- There are too many witnesses for me to tell you what I really think.
- You've perfected overthinking as an art form.
- No one is as smart as you think you are.
- Perhaps you would benefit from adult supervision.
- Go ahead and underestimate me. We'll see how that works out for you.
- If you don't know who it is that everyone in the family complains about, it's probably you.
- If you have to go around telling people how awesome you are, there's a pretty good chance that you're the only one who actually thinks so.
- Tact is for those who aren't funny enough for sarcasm.
- You're the reason I drink.
- "Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver." - Anonymous
- "The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made." - Groucho Marx
- "Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak." - Steven Wright
Humorous Mottos for Life
When you're looking for a saying to help you deal with the ups and downs of day-to-day life, a short original motto, popular saying or quote that provides funny words to live by might be exactly what you need.
- Real-life rocks!
- Instagram isn't real life.
- Life is a work in progress.
- Smile and be sweet to those you meet.
- Unsubscribe from unnecessary stress.
- Leave the beer goggles at home.
- Be a no drama mama.
- Small minds focus on small matters.
- There's no such thing as being overprepared.
- Pretend to be normal.
- Swipe left more often.
- "Practice what you preach." - Anonymous
- "Keep calm and carry on." - Anonymous
- "Mean people suck" - Anonymous
- "If at first you don't succeed then skydiving definitely isn't for you." - Steven Wright
- "Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them." - Andy Rooney
- "In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back." - Charles Schulz
- "Short cuts make long delays." - Pippin in Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Funny Quotes to Live By
Did you find some humor and a bit of inspiration in this collection of funny quotes about life? For even more humorous remarks, check out these funny fortune cookie sayings. How about a little more inspiration before you move on with your plan to get through your day? Take a scroll through these inspirational quotes. Maybe one will reach out and grab you today. Until then, let's all keep living our best (and most enjoyable) lives!
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